Wednesday, March 12, 2025
I.I.H.E.M Study Abroad Program

Virginia Commonwealth University: Admission requirements

  • When can I enroll?

    Enrollment in the program takes place in the Fall session.

  • What are the admissions requirements for the program?

    • To be considered for admission, you must

      • be enrolled in an IIHEM five-year diploma program,
      • complete four years with a GPA of B or better in the full undergraduate program or in the last two years,
      • take the GMAT test and get good results (the average GMAT score greater than or equal to 550),
      • a score greater than or equal to 600 on the TOEFL test, or a score of 7 or higher on the IELTS test, or an acceptable score on the VCU English test that will be given at IIHEM.

    Based on the information provided above, an admissions committee will determine whether applicants are admitted or not.

  • What documents need to be included in my application?

    • The VCU online application form duly filled out (,
    • The IIHEM application form duly filled out,
    • A letter of intent or personal statement (1-2 pages),
    • An official transcript,
    • Three letters of recommendation, A resume (curriculum vita, CV),
    • Official GMAT or GRE score reported directly to VCU,
    • Official TOEFL score reported directly to VCU, or an official IELTS score, or the score on the VCU English test,
    • $65 non-refundable application fee payable directly to VCU.