Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Associations & Centers

“La vie associative est largement développée au sein de l’IIHEM. Elle m’a permis de forger ma personnalité, de m’épanouir, et de développer une grande autonomie nécessaire pour mon avenir professionnel.” Ali El Harchi, IIHEM Laureates - 2010

Internship & Employment

Student Internships

Internship programs are a key element of the IIHEM education. Through these programs, students measure their ability to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, and develop the communication and inter-personal skills that are needed by successful managers.

Third and fourth year students undertake during the summer a two-month internship program with national or multinational firms, or with the Moroccan administration. Students also have the possibility to do their internships in one of the Texas International Education Consortium universities or in the American University in Washington D.C.

The internship programs are planned well ahead of time between the Enterprise Center and participating institutions. Every effort is made to design programs that assure mutual benefit to internees and to the institutions receiving them. Student skills and interests are matched with the needs of the firms in order to define clear objectives that can be met within the internship time period. Once the program is defined and a student identified, a contract is signed between the Institute and the receiving institution determining the terms of the internship.

Internship supervision is a joint responsibility of the Institute and of the receiving institution. At the end of the internship, the student prepares a report, describing their work and the results obtained. This report is evaluated both on the merit of the work, and on the student's ability to communicate his ideas clearly in written English.

Some of the firms that have participated in the internship program are:

2 EI; 2 PC; A&M Intercommodity; A.A.F; A.D.I.; A.D.S. Maroc; A.G.T.T; A.K.I.; ABAK; ABDELMOTALIB CARS; ABN-AMRO; ACTION TECHNIQUE & GRAPHIQUE; ADATRA; ADEAUPLAST; ADIASYS; Administration des Douanes et Impôts Indirects; AFAQ ASSURANCE; AFMA; AFRIC FILATURE; AFRIC PROJETS; AFRICARP; AFRIPESA; Afriquia; Aciéries et Fonderies de Skhirat; AGA INGENIERIE; AGEMATE; AGENCE D'ATTRIBUTION ET DE COMMERCIALISATION SALA AL JADIDA; Agence de Développement Social; Agence de logements et d'équipements Militaires (A.L.E.M); Agence Nationale de la Conservation Foncière, des Cadastres et de la Cartographie; Agence Nationale pour le Développement des Provinces; AGRIMPEX; AGRO SPRAY TECHNIC; AGRO-CONCEPT; AGROFINA; AIC; AIG Europe; Air Atlas Express; AIR INDUSTRIE; AKMAR Sat; AKZO NOBEL COATINGS; AL MASSA Services; Alcatel CIT; ALIF COMMUNICATION; ALIOTTA, NICOLAS + Cie; Alliance; ALPHA BUREAU; ALYCO; AM Studio; AMABAV; AMADIC; AMENDIS; American Embassy; AMIN; AMYTRON; ANJAR ET CIE; ANKA CORPORATION; ANRT; ANTI STRESS; ARAB BANK; ARC EN CIEL T.C.E; ARINCO; ARKEOS; ARRISSALA - L'OPINION; Art Numérique; Artco; Arz Assurances; Asfar Tour Hassan; Associaton TANMIA; Assurance Lyazidi et Fils; Assurance Marrache et Dor; ASWAK ASSALAM; Athena Communication; Atlanta Assurances; Atlantic Déménagement; ATLAS ALUMINIUM; Atlas Bottling Oujda; Atlas Engin's; Atlas Hospitality Hôtels & resorts; Atlas Kit SARL; Atlas Sahara - Derhem Distribution; Attijariwafa bank; AUDIBEL CABINET D'EXPERTISE; AVE PHONE; AVELMA; AZUNIX;; B.A.R.E.M.E; B.R.P.M; Badr Beton; BANK AL MAGHRIB; Banque Centrale Populaire; BARID AL MAGRHIB; BCI; BENWAY; Best Builder Africa; Best Pub; BEST SOL; BETOMAR;; BFZ Consulting; BIG SOFT; BIGDIL; Bio Alpha; BIS;; BLANCATEX; BM Inter; BMCE BANK; BMCI; Bourse des Valeurs de Casablanca; Bricoma; Bureau de WIT; BUZZICHELLI MAROC; C.A.Informatique; CABINET AKESBI; Cabinet HOFFMAN; Caisse Centrale de Garantie; Caisse De Dépôt Et De Gestion; Caisse Marocaine Des Marchés; Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale; CAMELEON STUDIO; CARREFOUR MEDICAL; Carrion; Carthage Trading; CBGN; CDVM; Celliers de Meknès; Cellulose du Maroc; CEMEX; Centrale Laitière; CENTRAMEDIC; Centre Marocain de Conjoncture; Citibank; Clé Etude; CMCP; CNCA; CNCE (Conseil National de Commerce Extérieur); CNIA; CNRA - RCAR; Coats Maroc; Coca Cola; COFARMA; COLAINORD; COMANAV; Compagnie des Boissons Gazeuses du Sud; Compagnie Générale Immobilière; Compania Industrial de LUKUS; Comptoir de Micro; Confection Des 4 Saisons; COPRASSUR; COSUMAR; COTABS; CREATIVAS; CRIAG; Croisitours & Transport Touristique; CRTC; DARSOFIA; Darti SA; Datalink.net; DELL; DEXTRA MAGHREB; Direction de la Normalisation et de la promotion de la qualité; Direction des Investissements Extérieurs; Direction Du Trésor Et Des Finances Extérieurs; DISMEDIC; DISTRA S.A.; Distral Maroc; DISTRIMARK; DOMAINE DOUIET; DR AUTO; E-magin'; E-Tech Networks; EAGLE Engineering; ECATEM; EDESA; Editions Lilas - La Citadine; Electrical Engineering; ELECTRO FOX; EMS CHRONOPOST MAROC INTERNATIONAL; EMT; ENATCOM;; ERAC; EUCAFOREST; Euro Tuni Mar; EVE COMMUNICATION; EVENEMENTIEL; Ever Auto Maroc; Expert DATA; FC COM; Fedex; FERVE Maroc; Festival de Rabat; FIAGECO; FIAT AUTO MAROC; FIDO Mobile; Fiduciaire BUDEC; Fiduciaire le convenable; Fiduciaire Salama; Fiduciaire SOFOGET; Fiducière de Kénitra; FIDUMAC; FILROC; FIVOX; FNUAP; FOLIAS Maroc; Fondation Banque Populaire pour le micro crédit; Fondation du Festival International du Film de Marrakech; FONDATION ZAKOURA; FORINTELL Global Intelligence; FRAMACO; FRI - MC Donald's; FRIGMAR; FROID SYSTEME S.A.R.L; G.M.OPERATIONAL Logistics & Operations; G.S.I MAROC; Gharb Renovation; GIGA SERVICE; Global Engines; GLOBAL RISK; Goodyear Maroc; Grimar; Groupe HOFIT; GSM AL MAGHRIB; HARAS Royal Bouznika; Hélène Keller International; HIEROGLYPHE; Hilton; HINAJE et SI BENALI; HISPAMAROC; Holcim; Holding d'Aménagement Al Omrane; HORS LIMITE ORGANISATION; HORTEC; Hyper SA (Label'vie); ICAF; ICM; IFRIQUIA CABLES; ILAICOM SA; IMABAT; IMAGECOM; IMT; Industrie & Tissage ""INTIS""; Inter Afrique Internet Technologie; INTER MOTORS - OPEL; Inter Tridim; International Commercial Bank; INTRAL Industries; ISESCO; ISOLUX MAROC; ITURRI MAROC S.A; J Walter Thompson; J.H.COM; Jaaf System; Jet Group; JWT; KALIVET; KEOPS; KING FASHION; KITEX; KLEM EURO RSCG; KLMPI; KMS Maghreb; KPMG; Kraft Foods Maroc; KS Service; Office National de l'Eau Potable; L'OREAL Maroc; L'Oriental Médical; LA MONEGASQUE MAROC; La Voile Blanche; Label Pub; LABINAL; LAFARGE MAROC; LAVAZZA Sté Al Yousr; Laville Productions; LAYMA sarl; Le Bon Lait; Le moteur; LE PETIT POUSSIN S.A.; Leader Food -Groupe ONA; LEGRAND; Les Ciments du Maroc; Les Couvoirs Chemaou; Les Eaux Minérales d'Oulmès; Les Experts Unis; Les Moulins Skhirat; LESIEUR CRISTAL; LINEATEC; Linkom; LOGISOFT; Lowe Shem's; Lux transport; M.R. RENOUVO; MABEF; MAC INTERNATIONAL; Maersk Sealand; Magfin; Maghreb Arab Press; Maghreb Industries; MAMDA; MAPHAR; Maritime Ship Services; Marjane; MAROC AUDIT; Maroc Fruit Board; MAROC INTERNET; Maroc Soir; MAROC TELECOM; MASS MEDIA; MATRIX Groupe; MAXBEN; MEDI Plan; Medical Systems; MEDITEL; Megatel; Métagraph; METRO; Microsoft Afrique du Nord et de l'Ouest; MIDO FOOD COMPANY; Ministère de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme; Ministère de l'intérieur; Ministère de la Communication; Ministère de la Justice; Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération; Ministère des Finances et de la Privatisation; Mission Conseil; MIT Computers; Mobil Oil Maroc; MONDIAL COMPTA; Mornatex; Motorola; MUNISYS; Mutuelle Agricole Marocaine d'Assurance; My Communication & Developpement; NESTLE Maroc; NET2S; New Garden; New Labo Medic; Niwel; NOVACO; NOVARTIS PHARMA Maroc; NRF Maroc; NTI; O.C.P; O.N.E; ODEP; ODISIA Ameublements; Office des Changes; OFFICE NATIONAL MAROCAIN DU TOURISME; Office Régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole du Tadla - ORMVAT; Omnium Marocain de Pêche; OMOURA Sarl; Organisation Mondiale de la Santé; ONCF; ONICL; Optivisao; ORDICIEL; ORIFLAME; Orzone Studio; OUARGLA Etudes et Conseils; Oxfam Québec; Palmeraie Golf Palace; PAMAB Import Export; Pari Mutuel Urbain Marocain; PC Market; PC Tech; Perfect Production; Petroles Nord Africain; PEUGEOT ET CITROEN - SGA; PFIZER; Pharmaceutical Institute; PHONE ASSISTANCE; Photo Matix; PINGOUIN; Planète Editions; Pluri service; Pneumatique Bensouda SARL; Poly Design Systems; POLY INVEST HOLDING; Pragma Advertising; PRALU; PREMIERE TRANSPARENCE; PRESTITEX; PROGRETEX; Publi Espace; QUADRICHROMIE; Quick Distribution; Raha Security Systems; Razel; Red Stone Media; REDAL; REFLEXO; REGIE 3; RENIMEX; REUTERS LTD; RMA Watanya; RMS; Royal Air Maroc; Ryad Auto; S.G.O; S.I.3; S.S.O.; Saatchi & Saatchi; safacred; Sagricom; Sailing Technologie; SALAFIN; SALAM GAZ; Salamali.com; SANA.COM; SANI - PLOMB S.A.R.L; SANOFI Aventis; Saoudia Air Line; SAP; SAPAK Koutoubia; SASMO; SAVOLA; SBE SA; SCANIA MAROC; SCRIM; SEBBAB Fer; SECURIMAG SA; SEDASSUR; SEFAMAR; SEFD; SEFIL; SETEXAM; SGMB; Shell; SICEC; SICOME; SICOTEL; SIEMENS; SIGMA - CO; SIGMATEL S.A.; SIMAPI; SIMOTEM; SINERGIX; SIOF; SMARTY Pub; SMATRA; SMIT; SNV; Société de Développement ALKORA; Société Générale d'Automobiles; Société H.O.S Confection; Société Industrielle de Fournitures Automobiles - SINFA; Société Interbank; Société M&B; SOCIETE MAROCAINE D'ENTREPRISES GENERALES; Société Marocaine de Dépôt et de Crédit; Société nationale des autoroutes du Maroc; société nouvelle des Huilleries; Société Rabat Plastique Industrie; Société RADIFA; Société Transport Menara; SOCOLENA; SOCOUEST; SODALMU ST; SODEA; SOFACUIS SA; SOFADICOM; SOFAMAC; SOFINAREX; Sofitel diwan; SOGATOUR; SOGE BAC; Somader; SOMAMAF; SOMANA; SOMAPROL; SOMARAC; SOMECOP SARL; SONACOS; SONATRANS; SONIC S.A.R.L; SOPHACENTRE; SOTRABOUC SARL; Sportmaroc.com; Société de Réalisations Mécaniques; ST Microelectronic; Stained Glass Overlay; STALINOX; Star Com; Sté SOPHIA MALL ( MEGA MALL); Sté ARRAZAK; STEELCASE; STW 13; SUNABEL; Super Auto Distribution; SUPER CERAME; SYNAPTIQUE EUROPE; SYNERGIE INTERNATIONALE; Telechop Universel; TEMX CO; Ter Ahlam; Tetra Pack; THE FOURTH R; THERMO DARIAS; THOMPSON; Three Comp; TODO SERVICES; TOP ECLAIRAGE; Top Meat; TOTAL; TRACTAFRIC; TRADILAM; Transit Trust; TROPICAL COMMERCIAL BANK PLC; U.M.B; Unifarma; Unilever Bestfoods Maghreb; Union maritime minière; Union Marocaine d'Assistance; United Food STUFF; UNITED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS - USS; Upler Technology; UPS; US Graphic; VIGI Comptes; Vision Nord; WAFA BOURSE; Wafa Immobilier; Xerox; YAZAKI; ZAZIA

Employment opportunities

At the School of Engineering :
The pervasiveness of technology in modern society is a driving force for continual and increasing employment opportunities for engineers. By its nature, the engineering program at IIHEM, combining engineering skills, management methods and multi-lingual communication, provides the engineering employment market with some of its best and most sought-after graduates. Engineering graduates have employment opportunities in national companies and multi-national firms in the areas of information systems, production systems, quality control, civil engineering projects and transport systems.

At the School of Business Administration :
The IIHEM education, based on extensive practice grounded in sound theory, is designed to produce management graduates who understand and can immediately and efficiently apply modern management methods. It is no surprise therefore that they are among the most sought-after recruits in the employment market for positions that include sales management, marketing and market studies, media planning, strategic market planning, human resources management, project management, production management, information systems analysis, database management, financial management, management control, management of investments, software engineering and business application development. Many IIHEM graduates have chosen to become entrepreneurs and have set up their own new business ventures.