Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Admissions & Regulations

“Le système de formation nord-américain adopté par l’IIHEM se distingue des autres écoles et offre aux étudiants une grande flexibilité.” Amina & Radia Saadaoui, IIHEM Laureates - 2010

Academic Regulations

Academic Evaluation

The academic year at the International Institute for Higher Education in Morocco is divided into two semesters (Fall and Spring). Each semester consists of fifteen weeks of instruction and two weeks of examinations. In addition, the Institute offers a summer session during which a limited number of courses, including an intensive five-week program in English, are offered.

All courses in the Institute require the student to acquire one or more assigned textbooks. These books are available for purchase at the Institute bookstore at the beginning of each semester. Other books related to the course are available for short-term loan at the Institute library. Students enrolled at the Institute are assigned an academic advisor whose role is to counsel them on all matters related to their education and career objectives.

Student assessment at the Institute will depend on the nature of the subject matter studied. The principal assessment takes place during the examination period at the end of each semester. This is usually complemented by in-term quizzes and exams, and may also be completed by additional assignments, laboratory exercises, term papers, projects, etc. The method of assessment for each particular course is outlined at the beginning of the semester by the professor in charge of the course

Students are assigned grades per semester course on a scale of 4.3 to 0:

Grade in letters Grade in points Appreciation
A+ 4.3  
A 4.0 Excellent
A- 3.7  
B+ 3.3  
B 3.0 Good
B- 2.7  
C+ 2.3  
C 2.0 Average
C- 1.7  
D 1.0 Passing
F 0 Failure
W - Withdraw
I 0 Incomplete
X - Pending

Student grades per course are included in an individual student Transcript of Academic Record, which is mailed every semester to the parents of enrolled students.

The Grade Point Average (GPA) of a student is the average of grade points in the student's academic transcript.

Students at the Institute are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity. Any attempt at cheating or participating in fraudulent representation of academic work will automatically lead to a grade of “F” for the student, and may lead to their expulsion without reimbursement of fees.

Academic Load and Course Repeat Policy

Students are expected to register for a normal full-time course load in the fall and spring semesters, and may register for a maximum of two courses in the summer session.

All students are expected to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0. A GPA below this average puts the student on academic probation. Students on probation will, within the limits of a normal academic load, first retake the courses in which they received an “F” or a grade below “C” in order to improve their GPA. Students on probation may not be allowed to carry a full course load. The maximum number of courses they will be allowed to take will be determined by the Academic Evaluation Committee of the Institute.

A student cannot remain on probation for more than two semesters. After two semesters, their registration is temporarily or definitively suspended

To improve their GPA, within the limits of the normal academic load, students must first retake the courses in which they received an “F”. They can also retake the courses in which they received a grade below “B” to improve their grades.

Students with a GPA superior or equal to 3.0 may be allowed to register for an additional course beyond the normal academic load. This may be a course that they choose to retake in order to improve their GPA.

When a course is retaken, only the highest grade received for the course is used in computing the GPA.

Withdrawal and Registration Cancellation

Students may withdraw, during the first three weeks of a semester, from a maximum of two of the courses in their academic program. In order to withdraw, students must notify the administration of their intention to withdraw, by submitting a completed and signed withdrawal form before the end of the withdrawal deadline

Courses from which a student withdraws will receive a “W” grade on the student’s academic record and will not be computed in the GPA. If a student fails to notify theadministration of their intention to withdraw, they are expected to complete the course and to receive a grade based on their performance.

Students are expected to complete their degrees without interruption and may not suspend their registration. Under exceptional circumstances, requests for registration suspension will be considered, and the administration may grant authorization if it deems that special circumstances justify it

Requests for suspension of registration should be submitted in writing before the end of the third week of the semester for which suspension of registration is desired.

Students who stop attending class without going through this procedure are considered registered until the end of the semester and must pay all corresponding tuition and fees. At the end of the semester, their registration is automatically canceled and they must submit a new application for readmission.

Conditions of Admission

Students choose a specialization major after successfully completing (with a GPA greater than 2.0) all the courses of the first two years of their academic program, and obtaining a minimum score of 530 in the TOEFL. Students may only choose majors for which they have satisfactory grades in the prerequisite courses for the major.

Degree Requirements

The IIHEM five-year program degree is awarded upon the satisfaction of all the prerequisites (English program, TOEFL, pre-calculus...) and the completion of a major curriculum with a GPA greater than or equal to 2.0.

Disciplinary Policies

All students at the Institute are expected to observe high standards of behavior, to foster conditions necessary for their own academic success and that of their colleagues and to pay due respect to the rights of others

Any student who prevents or hinders (either from inside or outside the Institute) the conduct of an activity or function, such as classes, seminars, ceremonies, or administrative tasks of the Institute, will be liable for disciplinary sanctions that may lead to their dismissal from the Institute.


The following regulations on class attendance will be applied to all students:

  • Attendance is mandatory in all courses.
  • All absences must be justified.
  • A student who is absent without justification for more than three classes of an academic course will be given a grade of “F” in that course.
  • A student who misses eight classes of a course (whether justified or not) will be given a grade of “F” in that course.
  • The administration will advise the parents of any student who is frequently absent.
  • In the case of an absence in one (but not both) of the mid-term or final examinations, no make up examination will be given and the final grade will be downgraded according to the procedure specified in the Institute’s Internal Regulations.
  • Absence in both the mid-term and final examinations of a course will result in an "F" grade in that course.

Tuition Payment

Payment of full tuition and fees for each semester is due at registration. Registration becomes final only when the candidate's name is officially added to the Institute's student list.

Students are billed tuition fees according to the Institute's current rates. Tuition may go up by a maximum of 3% annually, unless there is a case of force majeure.

The student identity card (ID) is issued to students upon payment of the full tuition and fees.

Tuition and fees must be paid at the beginning of the term. Payments after that date are not accepted and registration is automatically canceled.

If a student is allowed to take an additional course beyond the regular course load, an additional one seventh of tuition for that semester must be paid.

Students on probation must pay full semester tuition even when they are not allowed to carry a full course load. No refund will be given for courses not taken.

Students not on probation may take fewer courses than the normal academic load and may request a refund for the course(s) not taken if:

  • the administration is unable to assign them a full course load during a semester, or
  • they need less than a full course load in order to complete their degree program.

All courses taken at the Institute, including those from which a student has withdrawn and the ones retaken to improve a grade must be paid for.

In the case where a student has been allowed to take a semester off, they are refunded as follows:

  • 100% refund before the posting of the course time tables;
  • 90% refund after the posting of the course time tables but before the courses start;
  • 70% refund during the first three weeks of the semester;
  • 0% refund after the third week of the semester.