Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Associations & Centers

“La vie associative est largement développée au sein de l’IIHEM. Elle m’a permis de forger ma personnalité, de m’épanouir, et de développer une grande autonomie nécessaire pour mon avenir professionnel.” Ali El Harchi, IIHEM Laureates - 2010

Student Associations

At IIHEM, extra-curricular activities are recognized as an essential complement to student education, enhancing their personal development and their ability to work in groups. The Institute is therefore dedicated to encouraging and supporting a wide range of student associations so that each student may find one or more associations in which they can actively participate.

Student Governing Body

The mission of this association is to organize extra-curricular activities in order to contribute to the widening of students’ horizons and to the enrichment of their experience. To this end, it is responsible for the organization of cultural and sports activities. The Student Governing Body runs two sub-associations:

Cultural Association
The mission of the Cultural Association is to widen the cultural horizons of all students by:

  • developing artistic and cultural sensitivity through various workshops and clubs (cinema, theater, music, dance, etc.),
  • organizing conferences, debates and seminars on topical cultural subjects,
  • organizing cultural evening activities focused on particular themes,
  • encouraging a spirit of cultural curiosity and discovery by organizing study and leisure trips and excursions.

Athletic Association
The mission of the Athletic Association is to promote the notions of health and wellness as lifetime concerns for IIHEM students. The association organizes sports activities at the Institute as well as conferences related to health and wellness. It seeks to:

  • be a catalyst in the creation of sporting clubs and in the promotion of sports activities,
  • organize internal and external sports tournaments,
  • encourage all students to actively take part in sporting activities,
  • develop in the student a competitive spirit that is based on fair play and the respect of others

Honors Association

The IIHEM Honors Association is open for membership to those students who have achieved academic excellence. Its mission is to:

  • promote academic excellence at IIHEM,
  • encourage and assist students to improve their academic standing, develop their sense of ethics and integrity and promote “strategies for success” through academic, social and professional activities,
  • lead in other associations which by their nature require academic excellence,
  • suggest actions that may be taken to improve the quality of teaching, the conditions of academic work or the relations with the professional environment.

The "Spotlight"

The Spotlight is the IIHEM student newspaper that appears regularly once per semester. Articles in the Spotlight cover a wide range of interests that revolve around life at the Institute. Some seek to provide students with direct information about their studies at IIHEM or at partner institutions, or about special events that may be taking place. Others allow students to exchange ideas, express themselves and share their experiences with their colleagues.

AIESEC (National and Local Office)

AIESEC, the Global Network for Youth Exchange (GNYE), is an international, independent, apolitical, non-profit organization managed entirely by its members. AIESEC forms a network that includes 85 countries and 80,000 members. It organizes in each country paid trainee exchanges for members from other countries.

The AIESEC mission is to:

  • provide its members with skills, techniques and experience in the areas of administrative and commercial management,
  • encourage multi-cultural understanding and cooperation among students from different countries in its global network,
  • establish a link between students and the professional world.


Founded in November 2001 and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Chellah, the IIHEM Rotaract Club has as its primary mission the raising of funds to finance social services for the poor and needy in the Rabat area. ROTARACT is an international, non-political and non-profit organization whose motto is “let’s serve first.” Rotaract members are all volunteers from the ages of 18 to 30 years.

The activities of the Rotaract club are anchored in the traditions of Rotary International, known for its numerous and diverse campaigns against illiteracy, poverty and addiction, and its promotion of peace and human rights.

The IIHEM Rotaract Club was founded through the personal initiative of a group of dynamic and motivated students with the objective of promoting social service activities in Rabat.

SIFE -Student In Free Entreprise-

Founded in 1975, SIFE is a global, not-for-profit education organization that is improving the quality of life and standard of living around the world by teaching the principles and values of market economics. Working in partnership with business and higher education, SIFE organizes and motivates teams of university students who teach others an understanding of these principles and values.

SIFE’s program includes market economics, entrepreneurship, personal and financial success skills and business ethics. SIFE Teams are organized and guided by distinguished faculty advisors.

SIFE Teams conduct their educational outreach projects throughout the academic year and are given the opportunity to showcase them at competitions where they present oral, audio-visual and written summaries to judges comprised of top business leaders who determine which teams did the best job teaching and equipping others with the tools necessary for success. National champions advance to the ultimate level of global competition, the SIFE World Cup.

The SIFE experience enables university students to reach their full potential by helping others reach theirs. Students acquire teamwork, leadership, communication and project management skills in a unique way, not typically gained through other university programs. This total SIFE experience equips SIFE alumni to develop into successful entrepreneurs and top recruits for leading companies and institutions.

Institute Alumni Association (IAA)

The Institute Alumni Association includes in its membership all graduates of IIHEM. Its mission is to develop strong relationships with the alumni of the Institute as members of the wider IIHEM community. The goals of the Alumni Association are:

  • to establish an alumni network for the exchange of contacts and information among alumni,
  • to organize scientific, cultural and professional activities that are of professional interest to the alumni,
  • to provide alumni counsel, assistance and guidance to IIHEM students in preparation for their professional careers,
  • to encourage and participate in any initiative that improves the quality of education at IIHEM,
  • to cooperate and maintain exchanges with similar national and international associations.