Wednesday, March 12, 2025
I.I.H.E.M Study Abroad Program

Solbridge International School of Business,
Daejeon, South Korea

Application Deadlines

Semester Abroad and Degree Programs 2019:

Solbridge Business School: Program outline

  • What programs are included in the Solbridge/IIHEM Joint Academic Programs?

    • Semester Abroad Program:: Allows IIHEM students to spend a semester, extensible to a year, at Solbridge.
    • Bachelor's Transfer Program:: Allow undergraduate students to start their studies at IIHEM and complete their Bachelor's degree at Solbridge. Credits earned at IIHEM are transferred to Solbridge.
    • Direct Entrance Master's Program:: Allow students to enter the Solbridge Master's program after four years of study at IIHEM.
    • Direct Entrance MBA Program:: Allow students to enter the Solbridge Master's program after four years of study at IIHEM and two years of work experience.

Who is eligible to apply to these programs?

  • Semester Abroad Program:: Qualified IIHEM students who have successfully completed at least three semesters of academic study and are enrolled either in the third or fourth year at IIHEM.
  • Bachelor's Transfer Program:: Qualified IIHEM students enrolled in BAC+3 who have successfully completed at least four semesters of academic study.
  • Direct Entrance Master's Program:: Qualified IIHEM students enrolled in BAC+5 who have successfully completed four years of academic study.
  • Direct Entrance MBA Program:: Allow students to enter the Solbridge MBA program after four years of study at IIHEM and two years of work experience.

Students applying to these programs must have a minimal GPA of 3.0

What degrees do these programs lead to?

  • Semester Abroad Program: This program is not a degree program. Courses taken at Solbridge will be transferred to equivalent courses at IIHEM.
  • Bachelor's Transfer Program: The Solbridge Bachelor's degree. One of
    • BBA in International Finance
    • BBA in International Management
    • BBA in International Marketing
    • BBA in Entrepreneurship
  • Direct Entrance Master's Program: The Solbridge Master's degree. One of
    • MS degree is in Marketing Analytics
    • MBA in International Finance
    • MBA in International Management
    • MBA in International Marketing

Are these programs accredited?


IIHEM diplomas are accredited and "Reconnus Equivalents" by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education and the Solbridge degrees are accredited by AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and IEQAS (International Education Quality Assurance System).

How is the program delivered?

  • Semester Abroad Program:
    • Students must have completed three academic semesters at IIHEM. Students in their third or fourth year can be enrolled in this non-degree program.
  • Bachelor's Transfer Program:
    • The first two years of the academic undergraduate program are delivered on the IIHEM campus by IIHEM professors and the remaining two years of the undergraduate program are delivered by SolBridge professors in South Korea.
  • Direct Entrance MS Program:
    • The first four years of the academic undergraduate program are delivered on the IIHEM campus by IIHEM professors and the remaining one year of the graduate program is delivered by SolBridge professors in South Korea.
  • Direct Entrance MBA Program:
    • The first four years of the academic undergraduate program are delivered on the IIHEM campus by IIHEM professors and the remaining one year of the graduate program is delivered by SolBridge professors in South Korea.
      A student who has two years of work experience can only apply for one year MBA program at Solbridge.

Will I be able to transfer credits from IIHEM to Solbridge?

  • Bachelor's Transfer Program:
    • Students may transfer 70 IIHEM credits.

Do I get the same SolBridge diploma as the one given to graduates from the SolBridge International School of Businesscampus?


Once I complete my degree, can I take part in the graduation ceremony at Solbridge International School of Business?


Can I do more of my program at Solbridge International School of Business?

Yes, within the general framework. You can do this through a transfer. You will however pay Solbridge tuition whenever you are on the Solbridge International School of Business campus.

What is required to graduate?

  • Semester Abroad Program:
    • At least 18 credits (six courses) are to be taken per semester.
  • Bachelor's Transfer Program::
    • A total of 140 credits, 70 of which are taken at IIHEM and 70 at Solbridge.
  • Direct Entrance MS Program:
    • 36 credits are to be taken at Solbridge.
  • Direct Entrance MBA Program:
    • 36 credits are to be taken at Solbridge.

In order to get a degree from SolBridge, BBA's GPA has to be 2.0 and MBA's GPA has to be 3.0.