Wednesday, March 12, 2025
I.I.H.E.M Study Abroad Program

GBSB University, Barcelona, Madrid, Spain

GBSB Global Business School is a fully accredited private educational institution in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain that teaches business in English at undergraduate and graduate levels and is dedicated to preparing students for the careers of the global economy. GBSB Global has a strong focus on innovation and technology, both in there online and on-campus programs.

GBSB Global is the only business school in Spain with an international accreditation from ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities), Several Master programs at GBSB Global are accredited by ECBE (European Council for Business Education), GBSB Global is a member and Candidate for ACBSP, and is also recognized by Microsoft as a Microsoft Showcase School.

Joint Academic Programs:

  • Semester Abroad Program:
    • Allows IIHEM students to spend one semester at GBSB GLOBAL.
  • Bachelor's Transfer Program:
    • Allows undergraduate students to start their studies at IIHEM and complete their Bachelor's degree at GBSB Global.
    • Credits earned at IIHEM are transferred to GBSB GLOBAL.
  • Direct Entrance Master's Program:
    • Allows students to enter the GBSB GLOBAL Master's program after three or four years of study at IIHEM.

Useful links:

Important Disclaimer:

Information provided here may not always reflect the latest situation. Students should visit the university web site and talk to the IIHEM Office of International Programs to make sure they have the latest information.

Last updated: February 27, 2019